Train with Friends, Family, Colleagues, or all of them.

Our Private Group Classes provide a unique and focused approach to obtaining your MI CPL, allowing you a relaxed environment with a close-knit group of friends, family, or colleagues. We provide you an email template to help you share this private class, along with a dedicated registration page specifically for your group. Sign up is easy and convenient, making organizing a group a breeze.
We can do private classes at your location* or at ours!
Your Location
Spring/Summer: Min of 10 Students | Adequate Range
Fall/Winter: Min of 8 Students | Adequate Range
Our Location
Spring/Summer: Min of 12 Students
Fall/Winter: Min of 10 Students
Maximum class size: 18 Students
Contact us today to set up your group class!
* within 30 miles of the center of Mt. Pleasant. Anything further than 30 miles requires a $75 travel fee. Maximum travel distance of 50 miles.
Contact us about Private Group Classes