Recently I was training at the range and was confronted by a gentleman making a statement to me that I seemed lazy. See, I was sitting on a stool while I was training.
So I asked him what he did for work. He looked puzzled but answered. I followed up with another question about if he sits all day or stands? Then I asked him how he got to the range. "By car of course," was his reply. Eventually he got it and said, "thanks for the reminder."
He finally got my point that when most people go to the range, they train standing up. Yet we spend most of our time sitting down, whether at a desk or behind a steering wheel of some sort. The dynamics, although similar, are far from the same. Among several adjustments needed, the main challenge is driving your handgun forwarded in a seated position. It is not as automated as when we are standing.
The main point I want to make in this post is that we do not fight like we train, so why aren't we training like we would need to defend ourselves (fight). Seems logical, but next time you are at the range, watch to see how many people are training point and shoot or are in any position other than standing. It's not about hitting the bullseye! It's about putting a hit on target ANYWHERE to stop the threat.
So don't get caught up in the marksman trap, trying to hit the bullseye every time. During a critical incident, you will NOT likely have the time to change your position, or take aim. You will be in a fight for your life where seconds count. So get in the habit of training like you would need to fight. Then, and only then, can you spend some time working on marksmanship and hitting that bullseye.
Be alert. Be safe!