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On completing the requirements to renew your MI CPL. 


Remember, in order to renew your Michigan CPL, you must certify under penalty of perjury that you’ve spent at least 3 hours reviewing your course materials AND have gone to the range for 1 hour in the 6 months proceeding your renewal application.


It is your statement that you have claimed to fulfill these requirements that we are basing our certificate of completion upon. If you are not truthful with your statement, you alone are responsible for the consequences from the state as our claim of completion was done in good faith based on your statement as truth.


If you agree to this statement, you can process your completion status.

Thumbs up CPL Student

Shaunte L.


Kurt was an awesome instructor, the day went by quickly, and as an experience gun owner, I still learned a ton of good information. Highly recommend.

What our Students Have to Say!

Female CPL Student

Our class is perfect for those with limited experience.  We love working with new gun owners! So don't worry - you'll be just fine!


for a future CPL Class

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We don't carry a gun to take a life. We carry to defend a life.

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